Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What's That Say on Your Forehead, Mommy? (9/20/2010)

Yes.  There is something written on Mommy’s forehead and it seems to be darkly engraved.  What does it say?  S-U-C-K-E-R.  Yes…that’s right.  Dear old Mom is a Grade A Sucker.  Now you are probably wondering why I would say such a thing.  Well, over the past month she seems to be taking on a bazillion different things.  She has volunteered to help out Maddie’s teacher at school every week, she got herself named chairmom of the upcoming MOMS Club garage sale, she is yet again training for one of this crazy marathon events (although this year I have to give her a teeny tiny bit of credit…she’s ONLY running 13.1 miles).  What it comes down to is this:  Mommy has a problem with saying NO.  Now I know she didn’t get that from me or Lizzie.  We can say NO.  We practice it all the time. 
Mommy:  Please go upstairs and clean your room and the playroom.
Me: NO!
Mommy:  Please stop antagonizing your sister.
Me: NO!! (Antagonizing? Really?!  Like I have a clue what that means!!)
Mommy:  Please leave the cat alone…she doesn’t like be chased around the house by a kid wielding a weapon.
Me: NO!!!
See…I’ve got that down to a science, so I know she doesn’t get her inability to say NO from my side of the family.  Anyway, I digress.  The reason I felt it necessary to write today’s blog is this.  Last week Mommy came up with not one, but TWO new Sucker projects…and these two projects seem to have many people laughing at her.  

Project One: Make Sew Halloween costumes for both kids.  Okay.  Now I know some of you are thinking, Sure, Mommy can do this.  She has a sewing machine and she did make Lizzie’s crib set.  But let me roll back the clock even further to my second Halloween.  Mommy decided that she was going to make me a monkey costume.  She went out and bought the pattern and she even selected the fabric.  She pulled the pattern out of the little envelope and stared at it for many days weeks before she shoved it back into the envelope and packed both it and the material into a box to be shipped to Pennsylvania.  I was a monkey for Halloween that year…but my costume was made by one rockin’ Grandma.  Mommy just couldn’t hack it.  So I find it amusing that she is going to attempt this again…but this time for TWO kids.  She still has a little over a month to complete this project, but honestly, I see a follow up blog in the future.  She still has no fabric for my Wonder Woman costume and Lizzie, well she’s being her typical, difficult self and demanding that she wants a Princess and the Frog costume…something Mommy has already told Lizzie is beyond her basic sewing skills.  To be continued…

Project Two:  Mommy has very fond memories of her Girl Scouting years when she grew up, so it’s only natural that she wants the same for us.  Since she has so many projects on her plate, she was hoping to just drop me into an already existing troop.  I’m sure I don’t really need to elaborate much further here.  Long story short, there really wasn’t a troop that fit our schedule perfectly, so what does Mommy do?  No…she definitely did not say NO.  She is now going through the process (and trainings and meetings) to form a new Girl Scout troop of which she will be the leader.  

I love that my Mommy is so involved in our lives and that she wants to do things to make us happy, but I think maybe she might need a little vacation.  Dad?

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