Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Deja Vu (5/31/2009)

Here we are, one week later and what do we have to report to you?  Another Girls’ Weekend, that’s what.  I know what you’re thinking…I can’t believe Daddy abandoned us again.  But this time it was kind of necessary.  He had to go up to our friend Adam’s house in Picksburgh so that he could go and make his friend who taught us the toilet bowl joke happy because something bad happened.  And well, that left Mommy here with us girls again.  So you are probably wondering, what’s a Mommy to do with 2 girls when she had already exhausted all of her fun ideas the previous weekend?  Come up with new ideas, that’s what! 
          Friday started off pretty much the same as last week.  We went to a MOMS Club event and then came home so Lizzie could take a nap.  Funny thing is, I decided that it might be nice if, for a change, I took one too.  I know how happy Mommy is when we take naps…it gives her some much needed down time.  So I took a good 2 hour nap too.  I woke up to hear Mommy mumbling under her breath.  Something about her not being happy that I had napped and a later bedtime.  I don’t get it…you’d think she’d be happy I gave her alone time.  Some people just aren’t appreciative when you do nice things for them.
          Anyway, after we both woke up, Mommy told us to get dressed because we were going out.  Woo hoo!  Dinner out…our favorite thing!  We put in our vote for McDonalds but quickly got shot down.  But that’s okay, because Mommy’s choice wasn’t half bad.  We ended up at Mighty Fine Burgers.  Now, you have to realize that Lizzie and I do NOT like burger, and that’s all this place serves…burgers and fries.  But she’s so smart, that Mommy.  She just orders us cheeseburgers without the burger…you know, grilled cheese.  And then…to top it all off…Mommy ordered each of us (that means one whole one for me and one whole one for Lizzie…no sharing!) an ice cream drink!  Mmmmm…have you ever had one of those things?  It’s heaven in a cup, and I got a whole one that I didn’t have to share with my sister…of course, I did have to share with Mommy, but she was pretty good about not drinking it all up.
Then, when we were done eating, we got to play on the playground for a little bit to (as Mommy called it) work off some energy.
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          After dinner and play we headed over to Zachias (or Ikea for those of you who don’t speak “Maddie”) because Mommy needed to get a light bulb for my flower light.  Now, let me start off by telling you that Lizzie ruined everything.  We were going to get to go into the cool room for just kids, but Lizzie hadn’t gone poopy yet and since she can’t be trusted to go poopy in a potty, Mommy couldn’t pass her off as potty trained and so we had no choice but to join Mommy.  Oh, and the next thing you need to know…Lizzie and I think Zachias is the best story ever…there’s just something about running ahead of Mommy and Daddy to be the first to step on the arrow.  So you can imagine what was going through Mommy’s head as she realized that she was going to be making this journey with the 2 of us all by herself.  The parking lot conversation went something like this:
Mommy: I expect you to be on your best behavior inside.  Do you know what that means?
Us: Yes
Mommy: What does it mean?
Us: It means we be good.
Mommy: Right.  So when I say “stop,” you…?
Mommy: And when I say “wait,” you…?
Mommy: And when I say “no,” you…?
Lizzie: GO!
Mommy: No!  You STOP!  Okay….here’s the deal.  You hold on to the side of this cart and you hold on to the other side.  And you don’t let go.  And if you follow these simple rules, there just might be a treat in it for you.  Deal?
Yes…Mommy resorted to bribery.  And guess what?  It worked!!  I think Mommy made it from the front of the store to the kids section in about 3 minutes flat with the 2 of us still death-gripped to the side of the cart.  She did let us check out a couple of things along the way:

And, because we did exactly as she asked, we were finally able to score the stuffed cats we have been begging for over the past year.  Who knew that all you had to do was get one tired, cranky Mommy alone by herself and humor her with a little good behavior!!  We will definitely be filing this tidbit of info away for the next “weekend alone with Mommy.”
Saturday was a little more low-key.  In the morning we went to a birthday party at the park.  We came home so Lizzie could take a nap and then spent the rest of the afternoon watching TV.  The evening was a little more fun.  We got to go over to our friend Eliott’s house and play with him and our other friends, Bella and Julia.  It was super fun!!
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But the really fun part was that we got to have a slumber party!!!  That’s right, Dad…you read right.  Mommy decided to test-drive putting us to sleep at someone else’s house (for purely selfish reasons) and it worked!  So I got my slumber party and Mommy got some fun friend time and all of us were happy…well until this morning when I got up early…but that’s a story for another blog.

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