Tuesday, June 14, 2011

We Interrupt This Program (8/31/2010)

Okay.  I know we said we would have a blog entry for you yesterday, and we didn’t.  We actually were going to bring it to you today; however, we have even bigger news to report.  Maddie lost her first tooth!  Okay…I know.  You are sitting there saying, “No…she did not lose her first tooth.  It’s her second one.”  But that one she knocked out when she was only two…that one didn’t count.  Even the Tooth Fairy didn’t deem it worthy enough to visit (Yes, guys.  You read that right.  Maddie never got any cash from the tooth fairy for that tooth which means I will be making more money than her off of my pearly whites.)
Anyway, as I was saying, Maddie lost her first tooth today.  As of this past Saturday, that thing could barely move.  But leave it to my sister, who can’t leave things alone (She takes after Mom, here), and a couple of days later, she popped that sucker out.  Lots of celebrating occurred and of course Mommy had to take the obligatory “Maddie lost her first tooth” picture, and then the search was on to find the Lost Tooth box Maddie made back in Preschool.  By the grace of God, Mommy managed to find it and we nestled that tooth in and tucked it under Maddie’s pillow. 
But, for those of you that know me and Maddie, we couldn’t just let it be.  We pulled it out and looked at it and moved it to another room and well, darn….the next thing you know Maddie is running like a bat out of hell crying to Mommy that I lost her lost tooth!!  I didn’t lose it.  Really!  I just happened to be the one holding the box when it fell out of my hands and onto the carpet….the long, shag carpet.  I’m pretty sure I don’t need to describe the fit Mommy threw as she got down on her hands and knees to look for the lost lost tooth.  Well, that Mommy is pretty amazing and she found it (and saved my behind), so the Tooth Fairy can go ahead and schedule a visit at our house.  I can’t wait to see how much money Maddie gets from her!!!!


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