Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Take 2....Literally (5/21/2009)

   Yes…I know.  It’s been a year….literally….since we have last posted.  But you see, it really isn’t our fault.  As always, we can blame this one on sweet Mommy again…..and it only got worse when she discovered Facebook and then she started hunting mice and well, that’s an entirely different post.  Needless to say, we have had to make a deal with the devil (read: we have agreed to sound Mommy’s horn) just to get a little computer time.  So Lizzie and I are back and we promise that this year, we WILL do much better in the updating department.
          I figured it would be fitting to restart our blog with a similar one that we launched last year’s with…..my second take at the local Kids K that I ran last year.  As you might remember, Mommy suckered convinced me that running the Kids K would be fun, so I agreed to let her sign me up.  The gun went off, I ran maybe 100-yards and then promptly whined until Daddy carried me most of the remaining distance.  Hey…cut me some slack….I was 3 and had never run that far in my life!!
DFest 5k (3) Me finishing the Kids K in 2008
          Now, fast forward over the rest of 2008 and the first half of 2009.  I got to watch a lot of running, as Mommy got REALLY nuts and thought it would be cool to run a marathon (yes..I know.  “Cool” and “marathon” should not be used in the same sentence….only complete nut cases would want to run 26.2 miles….NO THANK YOU!).  So then I figured, hey, if she could run that race without dying, surely I could run the entire block without the assistance of Daddy’s arms.  So I had her sign me up again.
          I still didn’t do much training.  I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt here.  Mommy did try to take me out and run some laps around the track, but I was much more interested in collecting rocks and playing with the bugs in the sand, so she quickly abandoned that idea.  But Mommy did buy me some new, special running shorts that were sure to make me run speedy quick….plus I looked mighty cute in them, and in the end, that’s all that really matters!
P1000072 Me sporting my new running shorts.
          This past Sunday, I met up with 3 of my friends (Mommy has been slowly trying to bring their mommies to the dark side of running and I guess they are being dragged along too) for “take 2.”  Even thought I know Mommy would have LOVED to run with me, I chose Daddy.  I wanted to show him that he didn’t have to actually carry me this year.  Here we are after getting my race number.
          And here’s the start of the race.  That’s my friend Dominic in the front to the right.  He’s speedy quick.  If you look in the back, you can see me and Daddy.  I’m conserving my energy to make sure I have energy left to kick it in at the end.
          And here’s a picture of Daddy and me heading to the first turn.  Notice Daddy giving the thumbs up sign because I’m still running!
          Now, I need to mention that there are no pictures between the start and finish of the race, so there is no proof that I was never actually carried.  I know…you’d think Mommy would have been nice enough to run along with us and take snap shots along the way, but she was being rather selfish at the moment…something about having just “run her all” during the preceding 5k and not having any energy left…whatever!
          Anyway, the point is that this year I did not need carried.  I even managed to save a little energy for my “sprint” to the end….
          And here’s Daddy celebrating my first “carry free” Kids K.
          And here’s the best part.  My medal!  And it had a purple ribbon too!
          So I think I might be hooked…..well, not for anything long.  But this Kids K thing, I think I can do it…as long as there is a medal waiting for me at the end.

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