Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The REAL Wonder Woman (11/17/2010)

Well, I promised you an update on Mommy’s sewing adventure…and trust me, it’s been one wild ride!

So for starters, in our original post, I shared with you that Mommy was going to make costumes for both me and Lizzie.  Well, I’m not sure how she did it (you know how sneaky Mommy is.), but she managed to walk Lizzie into the Halloween section at Goodwill and convince her that being a cat was the best idea in the whole world…and Lizzie bought it hook, line and sinker.  $6 later, Mommy had a pre-made skirt with a tail sticking out the back.  Paired with a black leotard, black leggings, ears and a collar, and voila!  You’ve got Lizzie as a cat…now sewing involved.
Me, I wasn’t going to fall for this.  Mommy said she’d make me a costume, and make it she would do.  So on my half day of school in October, Mommy and I took a field trip to the fabric store where we selected the most beautiful and shiny red and blue and yellow fabric for my costume.  We also found some packages of silver iron-on stars to decorate the skirt.  We were set!

And then the fabric sat.  It sat for a couple of days before Mommy got up the courage to dig it out of the bag.  She spent an entire evening…and many…no, let me get that correct…MANY phone calls with Grandma, trying to figure out how to cut out the pattern from the fabric.  Needless to say, Grandma just laughed and laughed every time Mommy called because really, how much help do you think she could really be when she was in Pennsylvania and couldn’t even see the pattern/directions that Mommy was looking at?! 
But in the end, Mommy got the pattern pieces cut out the best she could…and then, of course, they sat…for a good week and a half.  With only two weeks till Halloween, Mommy figured she probably should figure out how to actually sew the pattern pieces together.  Now here’s where it gets funny.  See, Mommy doesn’t know how to do much when it comes to sewing.  She only knows one stitch…the basic one.  And as for all the markings on the pattern and the “sewing lingo” used throughout the directions…yeah, she has no clue about that either.  So early one Sunday morning, she pops out her machine, spends some time trying to remember how to thread and run the machine (remember…the last time she used it was when Lizzie wasn’t even born!!), and then opens the directions to see what she has to do first.  Step one said something about sewing darts.  Hah!  The only kind of darts Mommy knows about are the kind she used to throw at the bar back when she was dating Daddy!  And to make it better, Grandma has up and gone on vacation, so Mommy can’t even call and nag ask for some help.  All I have to say is thank goodness for You Tube.  With a little bit of help from people out in cyberspace, Mommy was able to learn how to sew darts along with some other fancy things.  

The going was slow.  At the end of the first day there was a top and part of a skirt done.  Day 2 found Mommy deciding the directions were stupid (I told her not to use that word, but she insisted that it really was the only word that could be used at the time.) and she was just going to do it her own way…kind of a silly thing to be doing when one has NO CLUE how to sew in the first place.  But I guess some of Grandma’s talents rubbed off way back when, because in the end, even with all of the changes Mommy made, the costume turned out pretty darn good.  In fact, it rocked!!  Take a look…
CIMG0324  P1060651
Im already thinking about Mommys next sewing projectMommys already thinking about who she can pay to do it for her. Smile

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