Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Our Tribute to Dear Ol' Dad (6/12/2008)

It kind of makes sense, with Father's Day right around the corner, that we should take some time out to honor Daddy.  Lizzie and I think he's the best darn daddy around....even if he is older than a mountain.  He's there for us when we're sick (he points out where mommy needs to clean up after us or
remind her when she needs to give us our medicine) and when we're well.  He's there for all the ups and all the downs. (He's gotten really good at packing us up in the van and waving good bye as Mommy carts us off to the ER.)  Through good and bad, Daddy's been there (probably because Mommy keeps him leashed to the house so he can't run away for good).  Lizzie and I have dug deep into the photo archives to share with you some of the best moments, thus far, for 2008.  We hope you enjoy!

Daddy is a great teacher.  In March,  he took us out to the lake to fly kites....and he even managed to keep the 2 of us from going in the lake.  That takes some serious talent!


Daddy is a great pillow...when we're sick, there's just nothing like napping on him!


Daddy is a great chef....he can make a mean Jiffy Pop!


Daddy is a great seeker....he knows just where to find us!


Daddy is a great backseat driver...I hope he's this cooperative when we really learn to drive.


Daddy is a great coach....he really pushed me to finish my 1K run.


Daddy is great at snuggling...and there's always room for both of us.

Daddy gives the best airplane rides...even when Lizzie gets in the way.


Daddy is a great storyteller...he even lets us act out the books that we read!


Daddy is a great fisherman...although how he thought we would catch a fish without a hook is beyond me.  I mean really....did he think he had us fooled?!  We're on to you dad!!

Happy Father's Day, Daddy.  We Love You!!!


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