Tuesday, June 14, 2011

We're Off and Running....Literally (6/6/2008)

We know. We know.  It's been a looooooong time since either of us have updated our blogs.  But if you know our mommy and her computer addictions....well, you would totally understand what we are up against!  Anyway, Daddy has kindly set up a new blog spot for us, so we will take turns updating you on what's going on in our lives.

We figured that it would be apropos (I know...big word for a 2 year old....I'm advanced.) for our first entry to be about Maddie's Kid's K experience a couple of weeks ago at the town's annual Deutschen Pfest festival.  Mommy has kind of become obsessed with this running thing...so much so that she talked Daddy into buying her a stroller that she can shackle secure us in so we can join her for her weekly jogs.  Well, after months of schlepping us escorting her, Mommy decided it was time to sign up to run a 5K and gave Maddie the option of running the kid's version.  I guess Maddie felt compelled to see what all this running hype was about, so she agreed to run the race....what was she thinking!?!

Well, here we are the morning of the race.  Notice how happy Mommy looks in this picture...I think she really was the only person who was truly awake at 7:30 on a Sunday morning.
Now here's a picture of Maddie and I in the infamous stroller....and just in case you are wondering, No, Mommy did not drag us along for this run.  She left us bound under the loving care of Daddy.  Notice the excitement on our faces.

I'm not going to go into all the details of Mommy's race...let's face it, you're here to hear about us, not her.  But here's a picture of Mommy crossing the finish line.
Then it was Maddie's turn.  She and Daddy headed over to hear the instructions for the Kid's K.  Oh, did I forget to mention that Daddy was tricked into volunteered to escort Maddie on the Kid's K?! Anyway, they got their briefing and then Maddie was handed her official race number.

What was I doing this entire time, you ask.  What I do best, of course.  Sitting in that darn
my beloved jogging stroller enjoying what was probably my tenth snack for the morning.  See....
Anyway, here's the start of the race.  Don't strain your eyes too hard....Maddie and Daddy are so far in the back that really, it's just a picture of a bunch of people we don't know.  But you know Mommy...always thinking of her scrapbook layouts...she just had to have a picture of the race start.
Now here's where it starts to get good.  This is a picture of Maddie and Daddy just after they ran across the start line...look at Maddie's great running form.  Looking good, guys!
It's kind of hard to tell, but just after they passed us, Mommy snapped this picture of them walking.
Now, the goodness that Mommy failed to catch on film was Maddie coming to a complete stop right at turn number one and holding her arms up for Daddy to pick her up.  Yup....you read that right.  Daddy got to run a good portion of the Kid's K carrying my dear sister in his arms.  What Daddy didn't get to hear was the evil sweet laugh of Mommy as she witnessed this.  Needless to say, Daddy did convince Maddie to run the last leg of the race.  Here are the pictures of her trucking on in...

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And here's Maddie proudly showing off the medal she got for finishing the race. 
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Daddy's convinced that running (at least long distances) is not Maddie's thing, however Maddie is convinced that she will be running the race next year so that she can get another medal.  We'll see...who knows, maybe I'll join her.


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