Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Mamma Mia!

*Disclaimer - The information in this entry is old...we know that.  But that doesn't mean it's not good stuff*

Do you have a favorite movie?  Okay, that's a stupid question, because of course you do.  Everyone has a favorite movie....you know, that one movie you can recite all the lines to without skipping a beat.

Well, me and Lizzie, we have a favorite movie...actually quite a few favorite movies.  Anyway, one of our all time favorite movies is Mamma Mia.  You really can't get better than a movie with lots of singing and dancing and a boy and a girl kissing.  It's got all the makings of a great movie.

Now, have you ever wanted to put yourself in a movie?  Okay, I'm not saying go to Hollywood and be in a movie because that's just silly.  I mean, have you ever wished that you could be one of the characters in a movie and do what they were doing.

Well, on our vacation to OBX, Lizzie and I had just that chance.  We got to be just like the boys in Mamma Mia and we got to ride on a JET SKI!  And it was all the movie made it out to be and more!!

Daddy's friend Mr. Dave has his very own jet ski and he dragged it all the way down from Pennsylvania so we could ride it around on the water.

We both got to take lots of turns out there with lots of different drivers.  Me, I liked going out with Daddy.  He drives that jet ski all crazy and wild...just like he drives our van.  We zipped and zoomed all over the place.  Lizzie didn't like riding with him as much...she just screamed and screeched like a little girl...which I guess that's what she is.  Whatever, Daddy was fun.

Mommy was an okay driver.  Lizzie liked her better because she didn't go as fast.  Which is weird when you think about it.  Because in our van she puts the pedal to the metal.  However,on water she was like an old grandma out for a Sunday drive.

Anyway, here's some pictures from our jet ski adventures.  If you listen very closely you can hear us singing.....

Don't go wasting your emotion
Lay all your love on me.
Don't go sharing your devotion
Lay all your love on me.

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