Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Girl's Weekend (5/23/2009)

  Daddy has gone up to New Jersey to surprise Aunt Gretchen and our new cousin Nikolas, leaving Mommy behind to watch Maddie and me.  What does this mean?  A Girls’ Weekend!!!!  I’m sure you are wondering what a girls’ weekend is like when it involves a 3 and 5-year old.  Well, let me fill you in.
          We started our day much the same as we would have if Daddy was around.  We hit the monthly MOMS Club meeting and then afterwards, we went to Chick-fil-A with our friends for lunch.  Times were good until I decided to poopy in my pull up…so Mommy made us leave.  Something about the smell reminding her of toxic fumes.  About an hour later, our friends Bella and Julia came over to play.  This was super exciting because we have now seen them TWO DAYS IN A ROW!!!!  Just one of the perks of Maddie being done with school for the year.
          When Bella and Julia left, Mommy surprised us with a trip to Wal Mart.  I know…you’re probably thinking our lives must be quite boring if we consider a trip to Wal Mart a surprise.  Trust me when I say, going to Wal Mart is nothing special anymore since they built the new store right down the street…we get drug their at least once a week by Mommy.  Anyway, it’s the REASON that we went to Wal Mart that was so exciting…Mommy told us we could go and buy new flowers to plant around the trees in the front yard.  Of course, like any other trip to Wal Mart, we couldn’t just go straight to what we were going for…Mommy always has to detour through various sections to see what kind of bargains she could possibly be missing out on.  The important thing is, we eventually made it back to the nursery where Mommy got Maddie and I our own garden shovels and then let us pick out whatever type of flower we wanted to plant.  I picked some really pretty dark pink flowers that are tiny and look like stars.  Maddie couldn’t decide if she wanted light pink or dark pink flowers, so she decided to get 2 of each.  When we got back home, Mommy showed us how to dig holes to put the flowers in.  It was really hard, and neither Maddie or I were very good at it, so we voted Mommy the “official hole digger” and put her quickly to work. 
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She was really cool and let us actually put the flowers in the holes and cover them up with the dirt. 
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And then she found 2 pitchers and let us water the flowers.
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I think when all was said and done, we did a great job!!!
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After dinner, we had a little dance party in the family room.  Here’s a picture of me doing my best moves.  I learned them from donald duck…he’s a mighty fine dancer.
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          We kicked off Saturday morning with a long run.  Not exactly what Maddie and I had in mind…especially considering that Mommy didn’t run us past a donut store or anything.  But we decided to be nice and humor her for the hour because she was promising us a day of fun.
IMG_9969 (okay.  So i know this picture is from last weekend, but I was just trying to give you an idea of how thrilled we looked in the stroller.)
          So you are probably wondering what sort of fun Mommy had planned for us.  Well, the morning consisted of a visit to the Brushy Creek sprinkler park.  We haven’t been out there in forever so we were super excited to go.  Even better, Mommy managed to scrounge up some friends to join us.
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       we had a great time collecting water in our buckets and throwing it on each other.  We tried a couple of times to throw it on the mommies, but they didn’t quite seem to see the fun in that…something about the water being ice cold.  Whatever! 

          Then Maddie put on her thinking cap and got really creative.  she found a patch of dirt that we turned into mud and scooped up with sticks to make yucky blucky mucky water.  Again, we thought it was awesome fun, but I know mommy wasn’t too pleased.  I think I even heard her mention something about not needing to try for a boy because Maddie was boy enough.  I don’t get that…mADDIE looks like a girl to me!

          This afternoon Mommy had a creek walk planned to appeal to our love for nature and all things buggy…you know, our tomboy sides.   Unfortunately, mother nature had different plans.  A mid-afternoon thunderstorm rolled in.  But don’t fret!  Mommy was able to come up with new plans just like that…and they were just as good.  She took us out to Gattiland for dinner (yummy pizza and brownies!!) and to the dollar store for a little retail therapy.  I know…nothing like she originally had planned, but she does have to help us develop our girly sides too.  And, much to mommy’s surprise, Maddie and I were so well behaved in the store that we each got to pick out a toy to bring home…I’m telling you, that does not happen that often!
          So, all in all, it has been a great girls’ weekend.  Maddie and I have had a lot of fun just hanging with mommy.  I hope she’ll let us do it again.  But first, I think we’d really like to have a daddy/daughter weekend!!


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