Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Creep Walk (5/26/2009)

As Lizzie told you the other day, Mommy had planned for us to go on a creep walk, but the rain didn’t hold off and it get cancelled.  But she did promise that we would get to go on our walk some other time.  Well that “other time” was yesterday.  Is that great that Mommy kept her word?!  And even better, because Daddy was back from his trip, he got to join us for the adventure.
          What?  You don’t know what a creep walk is?!  Well, you’re in luck because Mommy took lots of pictures for me to share with you.  First off, let me share with you that to go on a creep walk, you need to wear socks and sneakers and you should be in shorts too.  I know…one of those occasions where you can’t wear a skirt…but trust me, you’ll thank me for giving you this advice!!  Don’t bother bringing a camera along with you either…you’ll just end up giving it your mommy or daddy to hold in lieu of one of the zillions of big sticks you will find lying around.

P1000334Now, you start off a good creep walk by locating a small path in the trees.  See?
P1000327 It’s not always a good idea to wander into uncharted territory…you could get lost or stuck!!.
P1000325 Eventually, you will come upon the creep.  Just make sure to approach it carefully so as not to fall in.
P1000330 What do you do when you get there?  Find sticks and rocks and throw them in, silly!!  It’s really fun to watch them float away!
          If you’re lucky, eventually you will come upon a spot where you can take your shoes and socks off and go wading in the creep.  Just be careful not to run too fast…it can be slippy.  Also, don’t go near the tall grass by the banks (Okay.  So I’ll admit that I have no clue why this rule exists.  But Mommy kept yelling it so I’m sure it has something to do with one of her neuroses…maybe snakes?)
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          Now, if you are really sneaky, you can wander off and find that there are even MORE secret paths to be explored.  Quick!  Run back to get your shoes and socks back on and let the parents know where you are going (that’s being nice…so they don’t worry about you.)  Then, head off into the great unknown…
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So there you have it.  Our Memorial Day Creep Walk.  Mommy has promised that we can go on one again.  I cannot wait to see all that we will find next time!!


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