Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 4th of July

Yeah, yeah...we know.  It's one day late.  But we had so much going on this weekend that we literally fell into bed last night.  Okay, not really fell into bed...Mommy and Daddy had to tackle us down and throw us in them...but we actually fell asleep right away which according to them, is pretty much a miracle so I think we can say are justified in saying we "fell into bed."

Anyway, we had a pretty fun-filled weekend.  I gotta give it to Mommy and Daddy.  They made sure this 4th of July weekend was a good one even without the possibility of fireworks.  (For those of you not lucky enough to live in our great state, fireworks were pretty much nonexistent because of the dry weather we have been having.)

Saturday wasn't necessarily a "fun" day.  Mommy and Daddy did the usual long weekend thing and drug us around to a bunch of stores.  I think that must be in the Parent Handbook...maybe somewhere in the chapter on Long Weekends:  It is a must to drag your kids from un-fun store to more un-fun store, all the while repeating, "If you're on your best behavior, we'll do something special."  Somehow Maddie and I managed to be on our best behavior...or what is best for us...because we were treated to lunch at Steak 'n Shake followed by renting a movie from Blockbuster. (Which I might add, was not picked by us...we wanted Gnomeo and Juliet but somehow our cries were ignored and instead we ended up with The Goonies which Mommy and Daddy ranted and raved about because it was from the 80s, which basically means it's ancient and they are just trying to recapture their youth.)  Anyway, we watched the movie and have to admit that it wasn't half bad.  I mean it had pirates and a pirate ship and this really cool guy called Sloth!  For dinner, Mommy and Daddy decided to try out fondue with us.  No...they didn't take us to their favorite restaurant.  They told us we have to prove we are ready to go to the real place, so we practiced at home.  It was really fun getting to cook all of our food on sticks.  And I think we really impressed Mommy and Daddy with how well we ate and didn't mess around.  Maybe there is a trip to The Melting Pot in our future.

Sunday afternoon we got together with a bunch of our buddies over at their pool.  I don't think we have to go into all the details here...you know we had a blast.  Check out the pics for proof!

The actual 4th of July was a great day.  It started out with Daddy making us donuts for breakfast.  Yes..you read that right.  Daddy made us donuts right in our oven.  I have to admit, they weren't half bad.  Now they were no Dunkin Donuts donut, but the chocolate icing on top tasted like a big chocolate chip.  That's goodness in my book!  Maddie wasn't that fond of them.  It might take some creative baking on Mommy's part to get her to like them, but I have faith in Mommy.  In the meantime, Maddie not liking them meant more for me!
When Mommy got home from running her race, we headed out for our annual 4th of July tradition:  the Round Rock Frontier Days parade.  As always it was great....and the candy we scored this year was amazing.  There was even a float that was throwing out stuffed animals.  I managed to get one and shared it with Maddie.

After the parade, we came home and helped Mommy finish decorating the 4th of July cookies.  She iced some all white and let us draw our own designs on them with food markers.  Here's what we came up with.

Later that afternoon, we went over to our friends Jake and Clay's house.  Their mom and dad were so cool because they got them a big slip and slide to play on...kinda like the one Mommy and Daddy got for Maddie's birthday party last year, but even better because it had racing lanes.  It was SO MUCH FUN.  Even the mommies and daddies got in on the action and raced against us kids!  Of course, the party was full of your standard picnic foods....which meant no fights from Mommy and Daddy to get us to eat.  And of course, Mommy brought some new yummy desserts.  I have to say, Mommy makes the best desserts....we sure are lucky to have her.

Hope y'all had a safe and happy 4th!!!! 

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