Friday, July 15, 2011

Happy Anniversary Mommy and Daddy!

So we found out that today was Mommy and Daddy's anniversary.  It's crazy....we just finished celebrating Mommy's birthday and along comes another holiday.  Basically we had a week of celebrations and dinners out and sweet goodness.  Definitely cool!

Anyway, we headed out this evening after my gymnastics practice.  We had to go and pick up movie tickets so Mommy can go see the Harry Potter movie with Daddy tomorrow.  Now I'm kind of perplexed.  I mean, I want to see Harry Potter too, and it is a kid's movie and all.  So I just don't get why they aren't taking us along.  They said it's to celebrate their anniversary, but shouldn't we get to be a part of this?  I mean we are a product of this great event that they celebrate every year.  In case you care, this reasoning got us nowhere...we are being left with the sitter so they can enjoy the movie without us.

After they got the tickets, we told them we were hungry.  They started naming off all these fancy shmancy restaurants we could eat at.  Now, let's think about this for a second.  These are the same people who are constantly grounding us from "dinner out" because of our behavior, and tonight they are saying we can go to a nice place to eat dinner...all because they've been married 11 years.  I guess they're getting so old they can't remember how nightmarish we can make things.  But, being the nice kids that we are, we decided we would be fine with good ol' Subway.  You could see it on their faces...they felt defeated.  But in the end, I think they realized that our decision was really the best.  Otherwise they would have had to endure some horribly long wait before we were even seated, followed by the normal annoyances we pull out of our bag of tricks for the actual meal.

Now, because we chose Subway, we were finished with our meal super quick which left us time for a quick romp through the fountain!  Yes!!!  There was a fountain right outside the Subway that shoots water into the air and you can play in it!  There were tons of kids in it and it just looked like so much fun, so we put on our cutest pathetic faces we could muster up and pleaded for a quick run through the water.  Mommy relented (and Daddy kind of grumbled under his breath) and said we could, but we needed to stay relatively dry.  Well, they didn't say what our "dry" was relative we decided to stay dry relative to how wet you would get going over Niagra Falls in a barrel.  As you can see, we had a blast!!

Happy Anniversary!!!  We love you so much...even if we don't always listen to you.

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